Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Excellence, Tradition, Sustainability.

Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale strongly feels the duty to give its contribution to protect the environment and build a better future for everyone. 

A path made of awareness and choices to be renewed every day.

This constant commitment, applied to each step of the production process, and the collaboration with attentive and responsible international partners, have allowed the company to obtain prestigious certifications that attest to the high quality and sustainability of its yarns.

Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale’s ongoing commitment to sustainability is reflected in its prestigious certifications, which attest to the high quality and sustainability of its yarns. The company is an integral part of the Alliance for European Flax Linen & Hemp network, which promotes excellence in the flax and hemp supply chain in a globalized context.

The Alliance for European Flax Linen & Hemp is the only European agro-industrial organization that brings together and consolidates all stages of flax & hemp production and processing. Founded in 1951, Alliance for European Flax Linen & Hemp is the privileged interlocutor of 10,000 companies based in 14 EU countries, experts in fiber from the plant to the finished product.

The only European organization of reference, Alliance for European Flax Linen & Hemp promotes dialogue with national and European public institutions. A place for reflection and economic analysis, for concertation and strategic orientation, Alliance for European Flax Linen & Hemp animates a supply chain of excellence in a globalized context.

A mission guaranteed by EUROPEAN FLAX®, certification of traceability of premium quality flax fiber grown in Western Europe, an eco-responsible fiber in all its uses, of which each transformation stage is controlled by the independent agency Bureau VERITAS.

 A traceability in which each processing stage of the supply chain is guaranteed by European companies, from the yarn to the fabric, is certified MASTERS OF LINEN®.

C2C Certified Material Health Certificate™Gold Level.


C2C Certified Material Health Certificate ™ – Gold level – awarded to 1873-THE OULD LINEN*. This is the certificate of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, a non-profit organisation committed to supporting a circular economy.


It encourages innovations with a positive impact on people and the environment, offering a solution to the growing interest of industry and consumers to learn more about the chemicals used in products across their supply chains and avoid them.


It provides manufacturers with a reliable means of evaluating, optimising and verifying their chemicals for safety and the environment.


The C2C Certified Material Health Certificate ™ is awarded to products that meet the Material Health requirements of the Cradle to Cradle Certified ™ standard and is a globally recognized measure of safer, healthier and more sustainable products.

*” The production of 1873 – The Ould Linen yarn was possible thanks to the adaptation of modern spinning machines to the processing techniques used in the last century: they reproduce that slow and fascinating craftsmanship of an ancient time. “

Master of Linen

Guarantee of a textile product, cultivated and processed entirely in western Europe, that is wholly natural and responsible in the areas of resistance, colour fastness, dimensional stability and transparency of chemical composition.

European Flax

Guarantee of traceability of premium flax fibre grown in western Europe. A naturally sustainable fibre, cultivated without irrigation and free of GMOs. Linificio obtains more than 90% of raw materials from the agricultural cooperative Terre de Lin in Normandy, which produces the highest quality flax fibre in the world.

in Textile

Guarantee of products free of substances harmful to health and ensuring that any substances produced during the use of the yarn are below the limits set by OEKO-TEX standards.

Certified by ICEA



The international trademark Global Organic Textile Standard guarantees Linificio’s Bioflax yarns in terms of organic quality.

N° : 23039ITA23


The European certification mark ETHIC-ET is an initiative promoted by the Textile and Health Association, which aims to guarantee the chemical safety and ecological and environmental sustainability of products and services in the textile sector.

Master of Linen

Garanzia di un prodotto tessile naturale e responsabile, interamente coltivato e trasformato in Europa Occidentale, in ambito di resistenza, di tenuta del colore, di stabilità dimensionale e chiarezza della sua composizione chimica.

European Flax

Garanzia di tracciabilità della fibra di lino premium coltivato in Europa occidentale. Una fibra naturalmente sostenibile, coltivata senza irrigazione e priva di OGM. Linificio ricava più del 90% della materia prima dalla Cooperativa agricola normanna Terre de Lin che produce la migliore fibra di lino al mondo.

LCA – Life Cycle Assessment del lino europeo

Valutazione d’impatto ambientale dell’intero ciclo produttivo della fibra coltivata e stigliata (LCA) secondo il metodo relativo all’Impronta Ambientale dei Prodotti (PEF: Product Environmental Footprint).

in Textile

Garanzia di prodotti privi di sostanze nocive per la salute dell’uomo: assicura che le sostanze eventualmente prodotte durante l’uso del filato siano al di sotto dei limiti previsti dagli standard OEKO-TEX.


Con il marchio internazionale Global Organic Textile Standard, i filati Bioflax dell’azienda sono garantiti in termini di qualità organica.

Progetto Tessile e Salute

Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale ha ottenuto il certificato di adesione al Progetto Tessile e Salute, finanziato dal Ministero della Salute, finalizzato a tutelare la salute dei cittadini in merito alla ecotossicologia degli articoli.