Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Discovering the world of linen

The Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale team is convinced that spreading the culture of flax and hemp is an important step to ensure heritage and greater awareness of the impact of what we wear, or more generally what we buy.

Linen and hemp are an integral part of the history of the territory and of mankind: sharing with young people the passion that animates those who live it every day is the commitment we have been pursuing for some years.

This is why we have a school programme in place that last around 2 hours taylor made for:

  • primary school (4th year)
  • middle school (2nd year)
  • secondary school
  • master’s degree


An engaging educational experience that allows students to discover the fascinating world of flax and hemp.

The visit includes:


Classroom presentation: of the company and its projects related to the objectives ESG goals,  sustainability in the textile sector, flax in history, agricultural aspects and production, providing a complete overview of the different phases.

The historical introduction in the classroom is customized according to the age group of the students:

  • 4th grade: flax in Ancient Egypt
  • Secondary school: the importance of textiles from prehistory to modern times. Focus on the Industrial Revolution.
  • Secondary school and Master’s degree: the focus is agreed with the teachers according to the specificities studied.


Visit to production departments: Preparation and Spinning, where the students observe the flax processing stages at close quarters and ask questions to deepen their understanding of the subject.

The purpose of the company visit is to:

  • Understand what a Benefit company is and B Corp certification.
  • Understand the flax production cycle.
  • Explore the techniques used in linen processing.
  • Explore the different fields of application of flax
  • Get to know the different professional figures present in the company.
  • Raise students’ awareness of the environmental and social impact of textile choices, and more.

To book a guided tour or for further information on the educational activities of Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale write to