Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Linificio receives the CULTURA + IMPRESA award


26 Jun 2024


DE FILO, the textile and contemporary art exhibition set up in 2023 in the halls of Linificio, has won the CULTURA + IMPRESA AWARD, the most prestigious recognition for cultural sponsorships, partnerships, and corporate cultural productions, promoted by Federculture and The Round Table – Communication Projects.

Selected from 123 projects submitted from 14 Italian regions, it emerged as the winner in the Corporate Cultural Productions category.

“We are deeply honored to receive this prestigious award for DE FILO,” says Pierluigi Fusco Girard, CEO of Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale. “This award validates our vision of uniting art, culture, and industry. The DE FILO exhibition, organized within our production spaces, was not only a celebration of the company’s 150-year history but also a bridge to the future, as art, education, and tradition are extraordinary catalysts for innovation and respect for the environment and territory. This recognition motivates us to intensify our commitment to promoting linen and hemp culture and exploring new sustainable frontiers beyond the textile sector, while maintaining strong ties with our territory and heritage.”


The project, strongly desired by both the CEO and the involved team, strengthened its connection with the region during Bergamo Brescia’s year as Italian Capital of Culture, bringing together over 20 international artists and designers to creatively explore the concept of “thread.”

“This year’s awarded projects confirm companies’ growing motivation to support culture for mutual benefit. We observe among the trends an increasingly significant relationship between contemporary art and design; art and culture contributing to urban regeneration and representing social and environmental sustainability values; and technological and digital innovation enhancing Culture’s ability to engage and dialogue with increasingly broad and diverse audiences,” comments Francesco Moneta, President of the CULTURA + IMPRESA Committee.

DE FILO has demonstrated how art can be a powerful medium for corporate communication, capable of engaging the public emotionally and intellectually, while also raising awareness about sustainability and innovation in the textile sector.

Engage with the project: download the exhibition catalog.