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Linen, precious as the future

Linen, precious as the future

Linificio e canapificio nazionale receives the “100 national ambassadors award”

Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale has been awarded the prestigious “100 National Ambassadors Award”

16 Dec 2019


Linificio e Canapificio Nazionale has been awarded the prestigious “100 National Ambassadors Award” for its commitment to enhancing the land/territory by coupling technology with local history, the culture of farming with the environment, and infrastructure with a sense of place.

A territory as a repository of values, a living reality,  multifaceted, rich and complex, which is transformed when understood and deciphered.

The 100 National Ambassadors represent local authorities and frontline companies that invest in well-being and learning. Ambassadors rooted in the territory/land help the nation acquire value, creating employment and social well-being, and becoming a focus for growth and enhancement of potential.

The 100 National Ambassadors are chosen by the Observatory of Italian Excellence, under the supervision of an authoritative Honorary Committee present at the award ceremony. Among them are the President of the Honorary Committee, the actor and director Carlo Verdone, the First President of the Supreme Court of Cassation Dr. Giovanni Mammone, the Secretary General of the Court of Auditors, Cons. Franco Massi, the Commander General of the Italian Port Authorities and Coast Guard, Admiral. Giovanni Pettorino, and the President of Federmanager, Dr. Stefano Cuzzilla. Among the winners: Lamborghini, Intesa San Paolo, Archaeological Museum of Naples, Pascal Cancer Institute.